
4/5 Is your neck size greater than 16"(for women) or 17"(for men)?

What we do

Sleep Inc. Limited, a subsidiary of Sleep Consultants Limited, was formed with a vision of delivering world-class respiratory and sleep speciality care to Africa as a whole. Sleep Inc Limited was founded in Nigeria. We serve patients and providers across Africa with diverse sleep disorders ranging from insomnia to obstructive sleep apnea to narcolepsy.


What is sleep apnea and how does it affect your body?

Sleep Inc. Limited provides world-class healthcare in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders by our trained doctors. Sleep Inc. Limited's state-of-art facilities also carry out sleep studies, FeNo testing, spirometry and other diagnostic tests to aid the diagnosis of respiratory and sleep-related ailments.

We offer a range of products to help in the treatment of sleep difficulties and respiratory illnesses—these range from CPAP machines and CPAP masks.